World Birding Trips

Whitlingham Wander, 29 January 2025

A very pleasant sunny couple of hours at Whitlingham CP bumping into Jus while there.

I had gone because of reports that the long-staying Red-necked Grebe was nice and close - and I wanted to photograph it! That didn’t quite pan out but all was not lost because a lovely 1w Caspian Gull was performing superbly by the slipway ensuring I got some of my best ever photographs of the species. Despite a concerted effort however I couldn’t find a ‘heinei ‘ Common Gull which has been seen there.

The Red-necked Grebe was distant so I decided to walk around to the hide on the far side of Great Broad. It proved to be a bit closer from there, enough to get id-able photos anyway. 2 Little Egrets were feeding along the north side too. 

Earlier Jus and I had walked uphill to the far end of the Lime Avenue to ‘scope the cathedral Peregrine on its platform on the spire. Desperate stuff for his Whitlingham yearlist!

                                                                                                                                  Caspian Gull
                                                                                                                                   Common Gull

                                                                                                                             Red-necked Grebe
                                                                                                                                       Little Egret

S.A.D. and a January catch-up

I must admit I struggle at this time of year. I don’t know if it’s the fabled S.A.D. but endless days of grey, wet and cold weather, short daylight hours and the paucity of anything very interesting in the natural world do get me down. I’ve been doing my best to get out and motivated by concentrating on getting my steps in but today I’m looking outside and thinking ‘meh!’

Illness with a horrible respiratory virus and my Mum in hospital have only added to the general gloom!

Luckily we are away for a few months in our motorhome starting in the spring which I’m greatly looking forward to. 

So, to January so far. Interesting sightings have been few and far between but I did find a Great White Egret at UEA Broad (plus 3 Little Egrets) earlier in the month and caught up with the Red-necked Grebe at Whitlingham. A flock of c400 Fieldfares along Poppy’s Lane in Pulham Market livened up one of my many walks. The bird feeders at Thornham Walks had Nuthatches and Marsh Tits visiting constantly so I may have to venture there with my camera. 6 Red Kites nearby between Thornham Parva and Mellis was the biggest group I’ve seen locally.

Fungi records have included Scarlet Elfcup in profusion on the edge of Eye plus Oyster Mushroom at Thornham. Insects naturally have been in short supply but I did find what I think is Lonchoptera lutea, Yellow Spear-winged Fly at Thornham. 

                                                                                                                               Red-necked Grebe
                                                                                                                             Great White Egret
                                                                                                                               Scarlet Elfcup
                                                                                                                             Oyster Mushroom
                                                                                                             Yellow Spear-winged Fly, probably