World Birding Trips

Happisburgh, Norfolk, 9 November 2011

Yay - a Norfolk tick in 2011 at last! I happened to be near Wroxham when Jus texted me about a Melodious Warbler in Happisburgh so managed to get there is double quick time. Despite having no bins with me I was lucky that a very kind Mick Saunt lent me his and within about 30 mins I got onto the bird and called it out as it hoved into view in the well vegetated garden. It showed well for 2 or 3 minutes even allowing some scope views before disappearing for a least 2 hours. Into the bargain 2 Black Redstarts were moving around the general area of the church while a Snow Bunting and 6 Redpolls flew over. 2 Brent Geese, c6 Goldcrests and several Redwings moving overhead made it a very enjoyable couple of hours.
Leaving aside the largely untwitchable Blakeney Point bird of recent years this was the 1st county record of Melodious Warbler since 1954!

A report of the finding and pictures can be found here  

A small group of Norfolk listers at Happisburgh today!

Melodious Warbler, Happisburgh (copyright Punkbirder)

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