World Birding Trips

Kuwait Day 6, 8 April 2012 - Jahra East Outfall, Jahra Pools, Fahaheel & Zour Port

The main aim for our last day was to head to the far south but as our access to Zour Port had been arranged for 14.00 we had time to head out west of the city to the Jahra area first.

First up was a 2nd visit to Jahra East Outfall where we found the conditions calm and extremely hot for so early in the morning. There was a lot of warbler activity along the reed edges by the channel and within a short space of time between us we'd clocked up a couple of Sedge Warblers, several Reed Warblers, c5 Great Reed Warblers, c3 Blackcaps, numerous Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers, Savi's Warbler and the resident Graceful Prinias. Yellow Wagtails (beema and feldegg) were ever present.

Blackcap, Jahra East Outfall

Yellow Wagtail (beema), Jahra East Outfall

Yellow Wagtail (feldegg), Jahra East Outfall

Graceful Prinia, Jahra East Outfall

No visit to the area would have been complete without one final pop in to Jahra Pools. Wader numbers here were slightly down on yesterday. Mostly the same species were present but this time we added Temminck's Stint and Ringed Plover to the triplist . Both Little and Spotted Crakes were seen again and a drive along the back track gave us 2 White-throated Robins, Siberian Stonechat and 2 Eastern Black-eared Wheatears from the car. As we left 2 Purple Herons rose up from the reeds (the only ones of the trip) and a Southern Grey Shrike perched up close to the entrance track.

Little Crake, Jahra Pools

Southern Grey Shrike, Jahra Pools

Marsh Sandpiper, Jahra Pools

It was time to head south to Zour Port but on the way we had 30 minutes to stop and check the harbour/marina/shopping mall at Fahaheel. Using our regular viewing tower we quickly found up to 25 Lesser Crested Terns on the offshore platforms and while scanning to the left I picked up a single White-cheeked Tern sitting on a post which was gratefully received by all! All the cormorants here proved to be Great Cormorants.

And so, to our final site on our final day - Zour Port. Gaining access proved straightforward due to Pekka's preparations and we were escorted to the end of the point and left to our own devices. Walking around the corner I immediately called our 1st Socotra Cormorant! We went on to enjoy unprecedented numbers of these, 20 - 25! Eventually we also picked up up to half a dozen distant Bridled Terns too so the final piece of the jigsaw was in place. Also here were c40 Lesser Crested Terns, 18 Whimbrel moving north, 5 Oystercatchers and 4 Sanderling on the small beach.

Socotra Cormorant, Zour Port

Socotra Cormorant, Zour Port

We bade our farewells to Colin and Joe as Pekka drive them back to the airport. For the rest of us it was one final evening in Kuwait City and flights home in the morning.

The triplist stood at a creditable 156 with everyone more than happy with their own personal tallys.

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