World Birding Trips

Peak District - again! 4 - 7 May 2012

We just can't keep away! The chance of a cheap holiday cottage for the bank holiday weekend had Belinda and I packing our walking boots and heading for the Peak District again.
Compared to 2 weeks ago Wheatears have now arrived in good numbers and a Redstart close to the viaduct in Monsal Dale was very nice. Best bird of the weekend was undoubtedly a Short-eared Owl hunting the moors close to Three Shire Heads and shortly afterwards there was a very out of place Red Kite being mobbed by a Common Buzzard! After looking at every river we walked past I eventually found a pair of Dippers on the River Wye near Ashford-in-the-Water. Other than that the first Swifts of the year on a ridiculously late date of 7 May plus the usual Grey Wagtails, numerous Willow Warblers and Curlew, Lesser Redpoll, Lesser Whitethroat, Ravens and Red Grouse.    

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