World Birding Trips

Lowestoft, 13 October 2012

I managed to persuade Belinda that our trip to the coast today should be to Lowestoft so I could do a little birding. Arriving at Kensington Gardens in Kirkley the Yellow-browed Warbler found this morning was effectively missing. After wandering around the lovely gardens checking all the trees for about 30 minutes I got onto the bird calling high in a big pine and got some brief bins views before it started to tree hop for a few minutes only to be lost again. Despite the cold both Red Admiral and Small White were out in the gardens too but no other migrants at all.

On the way home 2 Common Buzzards were seen - 1 near Beccles and the other perched in a tree in the Waveney Valley near Alburgh which looked very pale so may be worth another look soon.     

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