World Birding Trips

Southwold, Suffolk, 2 December 2012

A lovely crisp but freezing afternoon in Southwold.
It wasn't a birding trip but a Little Egret near Harleston on the way kicked things off A walk along the seawall and beside the boating lakes going north towards Easton Bavents then produced a large circling flock of the local feral Barnacle Geese and then a great dashing Merlin over the paddocks.
A stroll along the prom towards the town (and coffee!) was interrupted by some really close views of a single Purple Sandpiper on the rocks. Despite getting really close I only had my iPhone with me so the photos are pretty rubbish. At least I managed to avoid the crashing waves and returned dry from my clamber on the rocks!

Purple Sandpiper, Southwold

Trying to photograph said Purple Sandpiper!

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