World Birding Trips

Reeve's Pheasant in Norfolk, 19 March 2013

Having received a tip off and some grid references I ventured out into SW Norfolk today to seek out Reeve's Pheasant. I don't care what people say about them being dodgy, I just like them! The whole pheasant family is one that does it for me, sad but true!
Anyway, after quite a bit of searching at the 1st location I'd been given I eventually tracked down 1 male but getting close to it proved impossible, even with some 'selective trespassing'! After a couple of views it melted away into a small wood and that was that.
Apparantly the site holds a few birds with 2 males and a female having been seen this past weekend.
Both these sites are close to an old site I used to have for the species many years ago so they're obviously surviving OK in this corner of the county.

I also checked another location only 2 miles away with no joy but did manage 15 (yes, fifteen!) Brown Hares in one field, a pair of displaying Common Buzzards (one intermediate bird and one pale one), Curlew, loads of Lapwings, Skylarks and Yellowhammers. It was almost like spring but without any migrants.

In the same rough area I had a flock of c90 Stock Doves, Kingfisher, Siskins, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Great Spotted and Green Woodpecker plus Weasel, Roe Deer and Muntjac

very poor record shot of the head of a Reeve's Pheasant!

Pair of Common Buzzards

Brown Hare looking a bit grumpy!


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