World Birding Trips

Thailand Day 13, 14 February 2013, Urban Chiang Mai

Travelling was the name of the game today with flights from Chiang Mai to Krabi via Bangkok. What a way to treat your partner on Valentines Day!

The only opportunity for any birding was the immediate vicinity of the Grand Napat Hotel in Chiang Mai while we waited for our taxi to take us to the airport. Even then I managed a surprise new bird in the form of half a dozen Himalayan Swiftlets together with 2 Ashy Woodswallows and a few Asian Palm Swifts. I'm certainly going to be looking more intently at the skies from now on! Around the very small grounds I also had 3 Oriental Magpie Robins, Spotted Doves, Common and White-vented Mynas, Tree Sparrows, a nice Dusky Warbler, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker and both Red-whiskered and Streak-eared Bulbul.

Spotted Dove

Ashy Woodswallow

Tree Sparrows

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