World Birding Trips

Thailand Day 19, 20 February 2013, Khao Sok NP

Khao Sok NP was eagerly anticipated and this morning we walked to the park entrance from Our Jungle Home.
A Blue-banded Kingfisher on the river while still within 100 meters of our room was an excellent start to proceedings and along the entrance track c10 Black-naped Orioles were the most obvious species but 2 Acrtic Warblers also showed nicely and 4 Large-billed Crows were followed up with a White-breasted Kingfisher perched up before we got to the checkpoint to pay our 200 baht entrance fees.
Once inside we opted for a walk along the 'wide trail' which runs roughly westward and parallel with the river on the north side.
Initially things were pretty quiet with just a male White-rumped Shama, Pale-legged Leaf Warbler and Little Spiderhunter. Overhead I then scored with my very first needletail ever in the form of a hurtling Brown-backed Needletail and scrutinisation of the swiftlets here had them nailed as Black-nest Swiftlets. A detour down a side path towards the river revealed 3 Ochraceous Bulbuls but views of the river or anything other than thick forest were few and far between. An open area held 2 Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrikes, the only Black-naped Monarch of the whole trip, Common Tailorbird and Black-headed Bulbul.
Depite seeing some good birds the growing sense of frustration and ever-steepening paths encouraged us to turn around the retrace our steps. On the way back I found a nice male Slaty-backed Flycatcher as we headed back to the carpark/HQ area and some much needed late breakfast.

Opting against a very steep and hot walk up the 'narrow trail' we hung around the carpark area and found the birds here rather more showy and photographable. Orange-bellied and Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker showed beautifully and then a male sunbird popped up in a bush and was id'd as a Ruby-cheeked Sunbird and another lifer! Black-headed Bulbuls and Olive-backed Sunbirds were obvious here too and a Grey Wagtail was on the river by the bridge.

Olive-backed Sunbird

Black-headed Bulbul

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker

Ruby-cheeked Sunbird

Around the cafes in the lane a couple more Olive-backed Sunbirds performed and then along the track heading back a family party of Striped Tit Babblers entertained. Back at Our Jungle House we found our room had been raided by macaques for the 2nd day running but at least a pair of Red-eyed Bulbuls there were some recompense!

Olive-backed Sunbird

Striped Tit Babbler


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