World Birding Trips

2 Goodies on the Suffolk Coast, 27 April 2013

Time for a bit of fairly local twitching today - it's good for the soul!

First up it was to Landguard for my first visit there for a long time. It proved a good call as the Eastern Subalpine Warbler found yesterday was still present on the ridge known as The Butts and within minutes I was being treated to some mind-blowingly close views. At one point it flew towards me and landed on the ground about 4 feet from my feet! Very obviously an eastern bird of the race 'albistriata' showing restricted brick red mainly on the throat and upper breast, wide white moustaches and a white belly.

Migrants were thin on the ground otherwise with 4 Northern Wheatears, 2 Barn Swallows being about it, apart from numerous Linnets on the common.

It then went from the sublime to the ridiculous with a drive round to Orford where the 1st summer Rose-coloured Starling eventually gave itself up in back gardens of Cotter Close in the village - what a manky individual!


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