World Birding Trips

Lowestoft/Somerleyton area, 13 April 2013

I had a day out predominantly for geocaching yesterday but birding was never too far from my thoughts. Redwings and Song Thrushes were very evident with a large flock of c500 of the former at Somerleyton and another 40 at Blundeston. Chiffchaffs are now in in numbers and I had singing Siskins at Herringfleet Hills.

At the end of the day I was parked up near Lowestoft North Denes when a quick check of RBA mentioned Black Redstarts at 'the net posts' which were only 100 yards away! I strolled over (with no bins) and bumped into Dave Russell who told me by brother was just round the corner! Borrowing his bins (cheers mate!) I managed to see 1 - 2 Black Redstarts and then wandered over to the sea wall where 10 Purple Sandpipers, 1 Dunlin and 8 Turnstones were feeding at point blank range on the rocks.

In the 15 degree temperatures Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell were also both seen.

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