World Birding Trips

Patchwork Challenge - Ring Ouzel, Weybread GPs, 7 April 2013

With my patchwork at Weybread GPs having been somewhat curtailed during February and March today was my first visit for ages. And at long last a few signs of spring!
Initially a single singing Chiffchaff at The Spong was very welcome but still turned out to be just a lone individual. Alongside the main pit I quickly added some new species to the Patchwork Challenge list  - Treecreeper and Siskin followed by a pair of Teal and 3 Shoveler on the water. I then spotted a bird in a meadow on the north (Norfolk) side of the Waveney and closer inspection confirmed it was what I'd thought it was - a splendid male Ring Ouzel! A really noteworthy inland record especially considering the paucity of migrants and at the time of checking there have been no other reports of the species in East Anglia today.
Other additions to the Patchwork Challenge list were several Jackdaws, a pair of Oystercatcher on the main island, a single Lapwing and on the walk back a pair of showy Reed Buntings beside the path. Displaying Great Crested Grebes are everywhere on the main pit where the numbers of Greylags have also built up considerably whilst a busy Marsh Tit was also seen well along the path. A solitary Small Tortoiseshell was amazingly my 1st butterfly of 2013.

The Patchwork Challenge list now stands at 68 species and 70 points         

Back in the garden in Pulham I flushed a Woodcock  - a new record for the garden

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