World Birding Trips

Weybread again, 21 April 2013

An early frost but clear skies tempted me back to Weybread this morning and within a few minutes I'd added 2 new species to the Patchwork Challenge list. A Blackcap burst into song near the fisherman's track alongside the main pit where a single Common Tern flew west along the pit and seemingly kept going. Most of the geese were spooked off the meadow and onto the water by a light aircraft but this enabled me to pick out Pink-footed Goose again, this time 2 birds together. Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were particularly active and a singing Treecreeper showed nicely in the alders. There now appear to be 2 pairs of Oystercatchers on the island. The real surprise was saved for the walk back though - a stunning drake Mandarin swam out from the bank of the main pit beside the track when I was almost back to the road!

Common Terns were tracked down to one of the medium sized fishing pits where 2 birds were present. The Common Whitethroat in Watermill Lane was in the same hedge as it was a few days ago and this time I had my camera with me to nab it!

Back at home a Blackcap was singing well but refused to let me get very close and 2 new butterflies joined the yearlist in the form of Large White and Small White.

The Patchwork Challenge list now stands at 80 species and 83 points.


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