World Birding Trips

The arse-end of Suffolk! 5 January 2014

Bawdsey and Shingle Street to be more precise! I've always held a strange liking for this isolated corner of Suffolk probably because of its remote location and oddness. Shingle Street is like the land that time forgot!

East Lane Bawdsey let me down badly as the Scaup of the previous few days were nowhere to be seen. Plenty of other wildfowl on the lagoons though with numerous Gadwall, Wigeon, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Teal and Coot plus 2 Little Grebes. A Water Pipit was picked up flying over and then a single Purple Sandpiper flew low past the coastal rocks so the visit was not all in vain.

On to Shingle Street for a walk and a picnic lunch on the beach (yes, even in January!) and on the lane leading into the hamlet I got onto a Short-eared Owl which I leapt out of the car for and promptly lost. After a few minutes I picked it up again on the inland side of the road carry prey and going down into a field. Although not mega close it was close enough to get a shot or two.

The only other birds of note in the remainder of the day was a Common Crossbill in Rendlesham Forest and a pair of Common Buzzards near Wickham Market on the way home.


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