World Birding Trips

Carlton Marshes, 30 March 2014

Having walked for miles between Covehithe and Kessingland (via Benacre) and seen not a single migrant apart from Chiffchaff and a Red-throated Diver I called in to Carlton Marshes in an effort to salvage something of the day!

Luckily the pair of Garganey of the last few days were feeding in the open on the main scrape and showed nicely. Also on the scrape were a couple of Little Egrets, a pair of Shoveler, Shelducks and a dodgy goose hybrid which obviously had Barnacle Goose in it somewhere. On the walk back I then enjoyed some of the best views I've ever had of a Cetti's Warbler that popped up right in front of me in a small bush beside the track. The day hadn't been a total wash-out!

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