World Birding Trips

Weybread GPs, 28 March 2014

My first look at Weybread for a while. A wander along the length of Ocean Pit and a quick look down Watermill Lane.
Spring wasn't exactly in full swing and indeed the only new arrivals I saw were 2 Chiffchaffs. I was hoping for some hirundines but nothing was doing on that score. My couple of hours weren't without their highlights though - best being a pair of Red-crested Pochard on Ocean Pit, albeit of 'unknown' origin it's the first time I've seen the species here. 3 Shoveler, [5 Barnacle Geese], 3 Oystercatchers, Sparrowhawk, Treecreeper, 2 Grey Wagtails and a Stock Dove were the best of the rest.   

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