World Birding Trips

Great Knot - woo hoo! Breydon Water, 14 July 2014

An awesome after work dash to Breydon and a walk along the south wall that felt like far more than the 1.5 miles being quoted! But it was well worth it with some pretty distant but more than adequate views of the adult summer plumaged Great Knot on the flats on the far side of the channel. My 3rd Norfolk tick of 2014 which has been unheard of in recent years. After a good grilling for a couple of hours it flew a long way 'down river' and was subsequently scoped again on the way back when it was close to the tern rafts. Other waders included 1 Greenshank, 2 Whimbrel, Curlew, Spotted Redshank, Common Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Avocet and Golden Plover plus a handful of the usual Little Egrets. The knot was far too distant to photograph but Will Soar did very well get the shot below.

 Great Knot, Breydon Water (copyright Will Soar)

Great Knot twitch (if you can't get a photo of the bird, get one of the birders!)     

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