World Birding Trips

Lowestoft area, 11 March 2015

What I love about my job is being my own boss so when I finish a job early I can go birding!

Today was one of those days so after finishing up I headed for Lowestoft. The Glaucous Gull last seen on 8th was unsurprisingly not to be found in the Claremont Pier area so I busied myself photographing the Kittiwakes that now nest on the pier. An adult Mediterranean Gull was a nice bonus. On through the traffic to Ness Point and I was quickly watching 13 Purple Sandpipers and as ever they allowed me to get nice and close. I think 13 is a record count for me here.

Despite a look North Denes had no migrants or anything else so I opted for a drive to Kessingland for a mooch around the sewage works. 2 Chiffchaffs were my first of the year whilst the filter beds had a single Grey Wagtail amongst the numerous Pied Wagtails and a male Reed Bunting also feeding on the beds.

Back in urban Oulton Broad the wintering Common Sandpiper was still present in Mutford Lock and quickly found. A good job as I'd ditched my van in the pay and display and gambled on not buying a ticket!

Kittiwake, Claremont Pier

Kittiwake, Claremont Pier

Kittiwake, Claremont Pier

Purple Sandpiper, Ness Point

Purple Sandpipers, Ness Point

Reed Bunting, Kessingland Sewage Works

Common Sandpiper, Mutford Lock

Common Sandpiper, Mutford Lock


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