World Birding Trips

North Yorkshire Moors, 3 - 6 April 2015

Nothing very exciting to report from an Easter weekend walking in the North Yorkshire Moors but I thought I'd report what I did see!
Red Grouse were very evident around the Urra Moor and Hasty Bank area with at least 25 seen. I also had Common Crossbill there. Plenty of Nuthatches calling in suitable woodland and a small smattering of Chiffchaffs. On the coast I found a nice Tree Sparrow at Port Mulgrave near Staithes, a feat I repeated inland near Castle Howard a couple of days later where a pair were present. Also along the clifftop near Port Mulgrave I had a new bee species for me - Early Mining Bee. A small colony of Kittiwakes was on the cliffs at Staithes and a large flock of c80 Linnets.
Migrants were pretty much non-existant but I did have my first Blackcap of the year on the way home at Barton Mills while 3 Red Kites were over the A1 near Peterborough

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