World Birding Trips

Out and about in North Suffolk, 24 April 2015

A spare Friday afternoon saw me at Weybread GPS for my 1st check on the old place for some while. Nothing of huge interest there but my first Reed Warbler of the year was singing alongside Ocean Pit where 2 Sandwich Terns flew over calling like mad. These were a patch tick as was a single Curlew. The returning Common Terns were nice to see as was Common Whitethroat. Despite trying my best I've still not managed House Martin this year yet though!
In the insect line was a Bee-fly sitting still for once, my first Green-veined Whites of the year plus a nice pale Comma of the spring form 'hutchinsii' and a few Orange Tips.

Next I moved onto Winks Meadow near Metfield where the orchid season has begun with plenty of Green-winged Orchids but only a few fully out. A singing Lesser Whitethroat here was my first of the year.


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