World Birding Trips

Strumpshaw etc, 16 June 2015

The day started off down near Diss where a singing Turtle Dove at Fersfield was my first of the year. Then up at Strumpshaw I bagged 2 Swallowtails easily in their usual garden and also managed Brimstone, Large White, Small White, Large Skipper, Red Admiral and Speckled Wood. Along the Lackford Run a Cetti's Warbler showed really well and a Cuckoo was singing away to the west. A couple of Norfolk Hawkers and a Broad-bodied Chaser were the pick of the odonata.
A quick pop in to a site on the edge of Norwich revealed several nice Bee Orchids.


Tree Bumblebee

Bee Orchid

Bee Orchid

 Large Skipper

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