World Birding Trips

Holkham Meals, 20 October 2015

Today was my first chance to get up to Wells and it was just my luck that there had been a bit of a clear out of migrants following a starry night.

Nevertheless I managed some good stuff in the 4 hours my carpark ticket allowed me. The Red-flanked Bluetail was showing nicely around the drinking pool and I saw it on both my walk there and my walk back. It was being constantly hassled by a Robin though so rarely settled for long. I then managed to re-find the Olive-backed Pipit about 200 yards further west but as I was watching it in an spindly oak some marauding idiot birders ran up to me and flushed it. Later on it was seen in flight and calling over the drinking pool. Other than those 2 goodies it was all common stuff - still loads of Goldcrests, lots of Redwings and a few Skylarks over, Siskins, 2 Redpolls, 2 Song Thrushes, a late Tree Pipit that showed nicely and my first Pink-footed Geese of the winter.

Comma and Migrant Hawker were the only insects.  

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