World Birding Trips

Bowthorpe Marsh Egrets, 27 January 2016

With a little time before an opticians appointment today I popped in to Bowthorpe Marsh on the west side of Norwich this morning. Initially it looked like the Great White Egret was missing so I donned my boots and went for a splosh across the marsh. The bird was found tucked away in a corner c300 yards west of Colney Church, presumably keeping a low profile due to the dog walkers that use the place every day! It gave some nice views and also flew up and down a couple of times. 3 Little Egrets were also about and a couple of fly-over Siskins was about it.


  1. We are running an article about this in the Cringleford Parish magazine. Could we possibly use one of your photos please.

  2. Hi Peter, you are very welcome to use a photo. If I could just aak that you credit me by the photo or within your article. I'd be very interested in reading the finsished article if you could send/email me a copy?
