World Birding Trips

Countdown to Borneo!

With just 3 weeks to go the countdown is on - in reality I've been counting down for ages!
Hopefully my pre-ordered Birds of Borneo field guide due out on 10 March will arrive in time!

Our itinerary includes Kota Kinabalu, Tangang Aru Beach, Klias Wetlands, Mount Kinabalu NP, Poring Hot Springs, The Crocker Range, Sepilok, Kinabatangan River, Gomantaong Caves, Danum Valley and Mantanani Island and I can't wait to get stuck in!

As usual it'll be a steep learning curve with no specific targets which is how I prefer to roll on our foreign trips. The only place we'll have a guide is the Kinabatangan Jungle Camp where we have several boat trips along the river including a night trip or two.

Obviously the mammals like Oran-utang, Proboscis Monkey and Pygmy Elephant are high on Belinda's agenda!

Whitehead's Broadbill would do nicely!

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