World Birding Trips

Borneo, Day 6, 31 March 2016 - Poring Hot Springs

A day to explore the hot springs area which included an early visit to the canopy walkway, a walk up to the bat cave and a circular walk taking in the football field, bamboo garden and back round by the road.
Best bird of the day had to be 2 Crested Partridges which we flushed on a trail and got great views as they ran along a fence unable to get through it! On the same walk we had a nice Maroon Woodpecker, Puff-backed Bulbul, Olive-winged Bulbul and White-bellied Erpornis. Back at our digs the usual birds were still about including the Scaly-breasted Bulbul, a Lesser Green Leafbird and a Long-billed Spiderhunter at close range. In bushes near the football field a lovely Black and White Bulbul showed well as did the regular White-crowned Shama plus Spectacled Bulbul and Asian Red-eyed Bulbuls. In a tree overhanging the river just through the springs entrance gate a great Pale Blue Flycatcher gave some lovely views while a Dark-throated Oriole did likewise in trees near the butterfly garden as the sun began to sink.

We dined that night at the Round Inn opposite the park entrance again. I can thoroughly recommend this place, the guy who runs it has a real passion for Malaysian cooking and even gave me a lesson on how to produce the perfect beef rendang! It is also much cheaper than dining in the restaurant within the park. 

Black-headed Bulbul

White-crowned Shama

 Dark-throated Oriole 

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