World Birding Trips

Bee-eater and other weekend shiz, 14 & 15 May 2016

Not a huge amount of birding this weekend but we did venture out walking twice and each time it was in the direction of a bird I wanted to see. Funny that!

Saturday saw us walking up at Thornham but a quick stop at Choseley on the way gave me 20+ Dotterel but I have to say they were probably the worst views I've ever had, very distant and lots of heat haze :-( A Corn Bunting was near the barns and apart from common stuff we saw little on our walk except a late lingering and probably unwell Brent Goose in Thornham Harbour and 2 Grey Partridges and a day total of 7 Common Buzzards.

Fast forward to Sunday and we headed to Winterton (but not before a surprise Leveret on our lawn!). The Bee-eater was in to it's 5th day and after playing it very casual it would have been a shame not to go see it. It duly obliged both at the Winterton end of it's preferred stretch (on wires) and then again later at East Somerton in a bare tree. A walk through the north dunes was pretty quiet but a pair of Northern Wheatears could have been possible breeders as they were in a very suitable looking area. A steady stream of Swallows were heading south and 6 House Martins around the beach cafe area. 5 Stonechats, Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker was about all else.


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