World Birding Trips

A few bits from recent days

I've got a little behind with blogging so here's a quick summary of the 3 places visited over the last few days.

During the week I checked on our local (and Suffolk's only) Frog Orchids and were pleased to see them coming out. I counted 7 plants with no doubt more to come. The Green-winged Orchids there are mostly over but I did find 3 pure white 'alba' plants amongst them. Lesser Whitethroat and Common Whitethroat were singing as was Yellowhammer with plenty of House Martins feeding over the meadow too.

On Thursday a quick pop into Weybread GPs was a good call as I had 2 Otters on the 2nd biggest fishing lake plus singing Reed Warbler and Common Tern on Ocean Pit.

Yesterday (Saturday) saw us heading for the Broads where I was amazed to count at least 30 Fen Orchids out at their usual site plus Southern Marsh Orchid, 1 Swallowtail, 3 Norfolk Hawkers, c12 Black-tailed Skimmers, a very large number of Four-spotted Chasers and the odd Variable Damselfly amongst the Azure Damselflies. A Cuckoo was singing, 2 Marsh Harriers, Cetti's Warbler, Great Spotted Woodpecker and there were also plenty of singing Reed and Sedge Warblers. A Red Kite was also circling the A47 at Postwick at 11.30

Fen Orchid

Fen Orchid

Frog Orchid

Frog Orchid

Green-winged Orchid var 'alba'

  Variable Damselfly 

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