World Birding Trips

Micklemere, Suffolk, 4 June 2016

This is a site I'd never been to before despite driving past it many times. And it's actually a really nice spot.
Of course seeing the 2 Glossy Ibis upon arrival helped but there were also some other bits and pieces about. Wildfowl were plentiful with 1 Teal, 3 Shoveler, 24 Gadwall, c10 Tufted Duck amongst larger numbers of Mallard and Shelduck. Around the adjacent Pakenham Mill were a family party of Grey Wagtails (3 young), Kingfisher and 7 House Martin nests on the mill itself. 2 Common Buzzards soared over with one being a nice pale bird with a pale rufous tail. I also added Garden Warbler before I moved on.

My 2nd stop was the pig field just NW of Rymer Barn were a pleasant surprise of a 3/4th year Caspian Gull was amongst the closest birds. Still loads of gulls here so well worth a look for anyone passing.

At a valley fenland site on the way home I had both Southern Marsh Orchid, 'Pugsley's' Marsh Orchid and a presumed Southern Marsh x Common Spotted hybrid and a singing Cuckoo

Back at home in the evening whilst BBQing a Spotted Flycatcher popped up on the fence making it 4 years in a row we've had them in the garden!

Glossy Ibis

Grey Wagtail juvenile

Spotted Flycatcher

Presumed Southern Marsh x Common Spotted Orchid hybrid

'Pugsley's' Marsh Orchid

  Southern Marsh Orchid

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