World Birding Trips

Suffolk coast bits n bobs, 11 September 2016

We did a nice long 14km walk around the Dunwich area today as the weather has cooled enough to make walking a pleasure again!

En-route 4 Spoonbills on Westwood Marshes were very nice plus 2 Little Egrets and Green Woodpecker but the woods were very quiet with just a single Chiffchaff still singing away. At Dunwich Beach Pools as we walked past a Greenshank flew past calling but that was about it.

After our walk we moved on to the Blyth Estuary were one of the Ospreys was showing nicely plus 3 Common Buzzards but the waders were too distant for me with just bins.

We finished up a Minsmere cafe for coffee and cake clocking a nice male Redstart and a singing Cetti's Warbler along the North Wall to finish the day.

   Westwood Marshes featuring 4 Spoonbills!

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