World Birding Trips

A local Black Redstart, Tivetshall St Mary, 6 November 2016

After the excitement of yesterday and with the weather due to close in by late morning I popped across the A140 for half an hour this morning. It took about 20 minutes but eventually the female/1w male Black Redstart popped up on the fence of the farmhouse next to Owl Barn and showed in a few spots. Due to the distance and me not wanting to disturb the residents on a Sunday morning I couldn't get any pics. Birds were everywhere in Rectory Road - a couple of small groups of Fieldfares on the move, 3 Song Thrushes, 2 Bullfinches, c20 Goldfinches, Common Buzzard and 2 Grey Wagtails over.

The photo below may help anyone looking for it


  1. Thanks for the excellent map. Helped me see it today.

  2. No problem Jack! Glad to hear it's still about. I'd like to try to get a photo but it'll involve knocking on their door and asking I think!

  3. Yes, I did think, but I wasn't brave enough!
