World Birding Trips

Velvet Scoter - a Norwich mega! 9 November 2016

Despite the inclement weather a Velvet Scoter at Whitlingham was too good an opportunity to pass up.

After the customary avoidance of a carpark fee I walked along the south side of Great Broad (noting the hybrid Greylag x Swan Goose on the way) and picked up the scoter in line with the island. A brief break in the rain allowed me to try a few hasty phone-scoped efforts before it closed in again. Also on the broad were a female Goldeneye, c15 Pochard, a group of 9 Little Grebes plus numerous Tufted Duck and no doubt 'Russian' Coot. Other wildfowl included Teal, Gadwall, Egyptian Goose, Canada Goose and Shoveler.

A wet walk a bit further gave me a nice Green Woodpecker on the path and a Grey Wagtail that landed briefly in a small inlet. I then beat a retreat back into the dry!

    Velvet Scoter

 Greylag x Swan Goose hybrid

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