World Birding Trips

Little Bunting, Knettishall, 11 January 2017

I'd not seen a Little Bunting for ages so with one being found in a winter finch flock on Knettishall airfield not too far from home it was the ideal opportunity. With the weather due to close in tomorrow today was maybe the last chance for a while so I popped along this morning.

Quite surpisingly (especially as it didn't show until 13.00 yesterday) I'd got 3 views of it by 10.00! Twice briefly in a low flat topped hedge and then a more lengthy view in the top of a small tree along the same field edge. The flock also held c10 Tree Sparrows, c20 Reed Buntings, c40 Yellowhammers, Goldfinch and loads of Chaffinches. A Common Buzzard was hanging over a distant woodland and both Redwing and Song Thrush also popped up along the hedge. A covey of 8 Grey Partridges was also very welcome.

Advice for anyone going - take a scope!    

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