World Birding Trips

Siberian (ish) Chiffchaff, Cley, 29 January 2017

With an afternoon to spare due to a domestic cock-up I headed up to Cley. The main reason being to see what all the fuss was about with the Siberian Chiffchaff which has gone from a 'possible' to a 'probable' to a 'definate' within the space of a few days. The bird was showing very well feeding on reed debris in a ditch along East Bank and continued to do so virtually all the time I was there. It was kept company by 4 Common Chiffchaffs, an unusually showy Cetti's Warbler and a Wren.
Plumage-wise it was an interesting individual and I can see why there has been some discussion about it. It may well be a Siberian and is certainly very pale, lacks green and yellow tones and has noticably 'tobacco' coloured ear coverts. On the down side it has a pale bill, pale feet and not a very pronounced supercilium. Sadly it refused to call. A Little Egret was nice and close beside the path too but a scan of the Serpentine failed to reveal the Smew with just Pintail of note.

Siberian Chiffchaff, Cley

Cetti's Warbler, Cley

Common Chiffchaff, Cley

Little Egret, Cley

Leaving Cley I had a look at a Pink-footed Goose flock near Weybourne Mill finding a single Tundra Bean Goose in their midst before I headed to Sheringham. I found bugger all there probably due to a low tide and people everywhere. An adult Mediterranean Gull sat nicely on a groyne by the prom but that was about it.

Tundra Bean Goose, Weybourne

Pink-footed Geese, Weybourne

    Mediterranean Gull, Sheringham

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