World Birding Trips

Dunwich Heath and Forest, 18 February 2017

A long walk was in order today to help supple my poor old back! So Belinda and I headed for Dunwich and did a 7.5 miler around the forest and heath.

Birds were fairly thin on the ground on what was a mainly dull day with just a few Siskins of note until we reached the northern perimeter of Dunwich Heath. Here there was suddenly a good deal of Woodlark activity with at least 4 birds - 3 singing males one of which was accompanied by a presumed female with both of the pair giving excellent views. Once on the heath proper I picked up  5+ Dartford Warblers but they were generally elusive and only calling occasionally, probably because of the time of day. 2 Stonechats were by the clifftop where we also had a nice Minotaur Beetle on the sandy path and a group of 8 Red Deer were quite fearless in the middle of the heath.

A little later while having coffee and cake at Dingle Hill Tearooms a lovely Firecrest appeared briefly as did a Treecreeper.   

Minotaur Beetle

Belinda was less than impressed with fleeting glimpses of Dartford Warblers!

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