World Birding Trips

Cuba, Day 10, 13 March 2017 - transit day Playa Larga to Cayo Guillermo

Today was a long driving day from Playa Larga to Cayo Guillermo for the last phase of the trip.
Thanks to the sat nav sending us down an extremely dodgy road (which we eventually aborted and turned round!) the drive took far longer than it should have.
Consequently there wasn't much to report birdwise - en route I clocked up Laughing Gulls, 3 American Herring Gulls, Cabot's Tern, Royal Terns and Brown Pelicans from the causeway over from the mainland to Cayo Coco plus Osprey, Cuban Black Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk and plenty of Northern Rough-winged Swallows on the journey. As we approached Cayo Guillermo plenty of American Pelicans shimmered pink in the distance.
I was looking forward to the availability of food/drink and birding tomorrow...   

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