World Birding Trips

Cuba, Day 6, 9 March 2017 - Soplillar, La Boca & Playa Larga

A 07.30 rendezvous with my guide for the morning Angel was on the cards today but there was just one snag - he failed to turn up! I sat outside our digs for ages waiting for him but by 08.15 it was pretty clear he wasn't coming.
So, plan B had me driving the short distance to the dry woodland at Soplillar to try my own luck. As I arrived I spotted a couple of birders and a guide in the woods so sauntering up to them we got chatting and the French couple and their guide invited me along! I thought this was a stroke of luck but as the morning progressed it became clear the guide wasn't very good (his id skills left a little to be desired!) and the couple were a bit dudey and believed everything he told them - until I kept correcting him! At one point he called me an 'expert' which was a little rich coming from a local guide!

Anyway, despite that we saw some half decent birds the best of which were some mega close views of a Cuban Pygmy Owl and 5 Cuban Parakeets.  Also seen in the couple of hours I was there were 2 Cuban Trogon, Cuban Tody, Grey Catbird, Red-legged Thrush, 6 Great Lizard Cuckoo, Killdeer, 2 American Kestrels, c10 West Indian Woodpeckers, Cuban Vireo, Prairie Warbler and Ovenbird. 

American Kestrel

Great Lizard Cuckoo

Cuban Trogon

Cuban Emerald

Great Lizard Cuckoo

Cuban Parakeet

West Indian Woodpecker

Cuban Pygmy Owl


Smooth-billed Ani

After taking my leave from them I headed back towards Playa Larga and then north back to the ponds and woods at La Boca. Being in the middle of the day things were quiet but I did get Prairie Warbler, Cuban Oriole and 2 Belted Kingfishers whilst over the road at the pool behind the bus shelter were an Anhinga, Neotropic Cormorant and Louisiana Waterthrush.

Later that day I went in search of Angel and he pulled up on his moped in the village to ask if I was Chris! We hastily made plans to meet at the crack of dawn the following day. An evening walk along a track east of the village was pretty uneventful and through a rubbish dump! Nevertheless I did see Tawny-shouldered Blackbird, Northern Parula, Black-and-white Warbler, La Sagra's Flycatcher, Cuban Pewee, Ovenbird, Yellow-headed warbler, Cuban Crow, Grey Catbird and Cuban Trogon.    

Prairie Warbler


Louisiana Waterthrush

Neotropic Cormorant


Northern Parula  


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