World Birding Trips

Livermere Gull Dip, 17 April 2017

With news that the 1w American Herring Gull had put in brief appearances at c19.00 the previous 2 evenings Jus, Andy and I decided to give it a go on Easter Monday afternoon. Not surprisingly we didn't connect and there were also precious few gulls settling in the pig fields to go through.

All was not lost though as we did manage to see a pair of arable-nesting Stone Curlews, 2 Grey Partridges, a fly-over Yellow Wagtail (my first of the year), a male Wheatear, c15 Stock Doves, 3 Common Buzzards, 2 Roe Deer, c40 Linnets and also a handful of Tree Sparrows at a nearby site. It was also a nice social catch up with the boys and a few other hardy souls who had the same idea we did!  

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