World Birding Trips

Red-footed Falcon, North Warren, 18 May 2017

A bonus afternoon out as I'd finished a small decorating job by lunchtime!

Having missed a Red-foot last summer and not seen one for a while (particularly a female) it was a no-brainer today as I headed off to North Warren for the 2nd time in a few days.

The Red-footed Falcon was picked up nice and quickly from the viewing platform on the west side of the fen and showed very nicely in the company of c8 Hobbys but frustratingly wouldn't come as close as some of the Hobbys did! A Marsh Harrier was up and a Sparrowhawk joined the party over the reeds. A Kingfisher flashed past and a Water Rail squealed away. After having my fill I went for a wander and was pleased to note there has been a notable butterfly emergence in the last few days - I saw my first Brown Argus, Common Blues and Small Heaths of the year plus Small Copper and Peacock. Odonata have similarly emerged with loads of Azure Damselflies and a single Four-spotted Chaser. Birdwise a Garden Warbler showed well, a Cuckoo was calling like mad and then a lovely Nightingale started up and with some patience I got a brief view - always a magic moment.

Red-footed Falcon


Brown Argus

Common Blue

Small Heath

Small Copper

Common Whitethroat 

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