World Birding Trips

Walberswick, 11 June 2017

A day for a long walk and we chose Walberswick taking in a section of Westwood Marshes, Corporation Marsh and Walberswick Common.
En-route the best sighting was an unexpected Great White Egret on Corporation Marsh where there were also plenty of Reed Buntings, c6 Bearded Tits, Kingfisher, Reed Warblers and a brief booming Bittern. Further round the walk on Walberswick Common a Lesser Whitethroat was singing.

On the way home we called in to our local meadow where it was nice to see the regular Frog Orchids out with both red and green specimens and plenty of Pyramidal Orchids are just starting to flower.

Frog Orchid, red form

Frog Orchid, green form

  Pyramidal Orchid

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