World Birding Trips

Dunwich Beach, 23 December 2017

After a week of hardly leaving the house due to sickness I've perked up a bit at last and needed to blow the cobwebs away.

A long trudge north up Dunwich beach from the carpark was in order. On the way 4 Stonechats (3m 1f), a curious group of 5 Greenfinches and c70 Linnets was all I could muster. Once by the pools though I quickly found the loose flock of c50 Twite which are wintering once again. I made some attempts to photograph them (even though the light was awful and the birds skittish) because there were a number of colour-ringed individuals which I wanted to document and trace.
Walking well past the main pools I eventually found a Great White Egret as it popped it's head up from the reeds but then quickly flew back towards the pools where on my walk back it was joined by the 2nd bird. There were also 4 Little Egrets, 2 Marsh Harriers and 1 Common Buzzard plus a Common Seal on the sea.

A Grey Wagtail over central Halesworth finished things off.

Twite with bling!

     Great White Egrets 

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