World Birding Trips

A Patch Tick, Weybread GPs, 10 January 2018

A lunchtime stroll along the fisherman's path on the north side of Ocean Pit at Weybread resulted in a very satisfying patch tick today.
Initially a Kingfisher was along the edge of the pit followed by Song Thrush, Little Grebe and good numbers of Great Crested Grebes and Cormorants then a group of swans flew in and circled the pit. Fully expecting them to be Mutes I raised my bins to discover 7 Bewick's Swans, a really good patch bird for south Norfolk! They circled over my head but flew east and didn't ever land. Despite looking I was unable to add anything else to my yearlist although 122 Tufted Duck was my highest site count and a single drake Wigeon was also locally noteworthy. Both Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker were also seen but the place was curiously devoid of geese.  

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