World Birding Trips

Lowie, 14 February 2018

A morning visit to Lowestoft on a grey cold day. It was hard work with nothing of note at all on Oulton Broad despite looking for the Red-throated Diver. Over the road on Mutford Lock Basin I eventually located the wintering Common Sandpiper but it took some time! Also there were a Little Grebe and 5 Redshank.

On Lake Lothing it took me an age to locate the wintering Shag from the railway bridge having already tried from the Asda carpark and the Oulton Broad end! A Peregrine perched high up on the grain silo was a nice bonus but there was no sign of anything of interest at Ness Point.

Hard work but at least my 2 yeartick targets were nabbed!

Yearlist = 142  

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