World Birding Trips

A very early Willow Warbler, Harleston, 19 March 2018

Until today I'd never seen a Willow Warbler in March, let alone on the 19th! One showed very nicely in a sunny corner of the church carpark in Harleston today while I was having lunch in my van.
After a weekend of bitterly cold and windy weather with snow showers it was still very cold today with NE winds so I guess it must have arrived a few days ago.
With literally no other birding to report here are a couple of panoramic photos showing how much water there is on the patch at Weybread GPs at the moment. The fishermen's path beside Ocean Pit is completely impassable.

As a footnote - a Blackcap was chorling away in our orchard in Pulham Market on 21st with 2 Redwings being the first ones on the deck in the garden. Also 3 Goldcrests, c12 Blackbirds and c6 Greenfinches plus 2 Buff-tailed Bumblebees

On the morning of 22nd, 117 Fieldfares and a single Redwing flew north over Tivetshall St Mary in one loose flock.

Yearlist = 158

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