World Birding Trips

Another day, another yeartick. 24 March 2018

Today was hard work, to put it mildly. Belinda wanted a long coastal walk so we headed up to Winterton and set off up along north beach up to Bramble Hill and back through the dunes. There was not a single migrant to be had! All I could muster were 8 Sanderling, 6 Ringed Plovers, 2 Stonechats and a few curious Grey Seals coming to inspect us from the safety of the water.

So, on the way home I persuaded Belinda that a 'walk' in Waveney Forest would be nice, especially as she's never been. Needless to say we headed for the viewing mound to look out over Haddiscoe Island! David Richardson had been there a while and not seen very much at all but using his scope I managed to pick out a Short-eared Owl within a couple of minutes and watched it sparring with a Marsh Harrier. SEO had proved a bit of a nemesis bird for me this year so it was lovely to finally see one. Apart from a couple of Chinese Water Deer and then a Chiffchaff and a fly-over Redpoll sp on the walk back that was pretty much it for the day.

Yearlist = 160       

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