World Birding Trips

Local bits, 26 April 2018

Not a huge amount to report due to work commitments but today in Pulham St Mary while working a Grey Wagtail flew over and having heard it singing in the distance I tracked down a Willow Warbler singing at the sewage works (a local rarity). There were also a pair of Stock Doves there and a Common Buzzard.

A quick stroll alongside Ocean Pit at Weybread this evening gave me my first Reed Warbler of the year in the usual spot plus 2 Common Terns, c50 House Martins, c6 Sand Martins, a couple of Swallows but still no Swifts. 3 Brown Hares were amongst the geese on the fields and a Roe Deer was at Starston on the way home.

Yearlist = 190  

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