World Birding Trips

The gentle purring of Turtle Dove, 5 May 2018

I took myself off to New Buckenham Common yesterday morning in search of Green-winged Orchids. I'd not seen them at this site for years so it was mainly for a change of scenery. Luckily I found plenty although there are loads more still to come. Interestingly this population contains very little variation in colouration with just the odd slightly paler plant.
What I'd not bargained for however were 2 Turtle Doves singing and displaying and giving some lovely views. Every year these beauties grace our commons is a bonus these days. Also around the common were Common Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting plus Red Deer, several Orange Tips, Peacocks and Green-veined Whites.

Later in the afternoon Belinda and I headed east to the coast for a very pleasant sunny walk around North Warren. Here I was delighted to add Cuckoo, Hobby and Nightingale to my yearlist plus a booming Bittern, singing Cetti's Warbler and Woodlark, Stock Doves and Mistle Thrush.

Yearlist = 198

        Green-winged Orchids

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