World Birding Trips

Quick local round-up, early August

A few bits and pieces seen in or from the garden in Pulham Market over the last few days.
With the sweltering temperatures I've not been tempted to venture out too far but at home I had a couple of garden firsts - a Purple Hairstreak around our oak just across from our patio and a Little Egret that flew east at 08.30 on the morning of 2nd August. Butterfly numbers seem to be dwindling but a nice settled Holly Blue on the shingle of the driveway stayed still for my camera. The big numbers of Swifts we were seeing a week ago have now moved on with just the odd singleton now being seen. Conversely House Martin numbers are well up, presumably because their numbers have been augmented with fledged juvs. Both Southern Hawker and Migrant Hawker have been around intermitently too.

  Holly Blue

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