World Birding Trips

Minsmere Morning, 17 October 2018

I spent a nice relaxed morning strolling around Minsmere today.

The main reason for the visit was the juv Ferruginous Duck on the pool behind South Hide. It obliged by being on view as I arrived only to dive into the reeds 5 minutes later. It did show once more, emerging for a quick preen but quickly disappeared again. The whole of the area had loads of Bearded Tit action and it was also pleasing to note c3 Cetti's Warblers in song. A walk through the sluice bushes and vicinity revealed 3 Dartford Warblers, Blackcap, Stonechat and Song Thrush. On the levels were c150 Barnacle Geese, a Water Rail squealed and a Green Sandpiper flew from a pool.

Back at the carpark I found a nice Yellow-browed Warbler by the entrance while 2 Redpoll sp and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over.

Yearlist = 241

      Ferruginous Duck

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