World Birding Trips

Yellow-browed Warblers in Southwold, 7 October 2018

After the wet and wind of yesterday it was nice to get out for a long walk in the Southwold area.

Walking along the promenade from the pier going southwards we left the seafront at Gun Hill and almost immediately I could hear a Yellow-browed Warbler calling from sycamores in the garden of Gun Hill House! It prompty shut up and failed to show so I moved on to the churchyard where I was able to get some very nice views of 2 Yellow-browed Warblers high in sycamores on the east side with a few Robins also obvious. The rest of the walk revealed a few Redwing along Buss Creek and a Cetti's Warbler singing. A coffee stop at Hen Reedbeds added Bearded Tit, Green Sandpiper and Common Buzzard

Yearlist = 239   

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