World Birding Trips

A whizz around NE Norfolk, 3 January 2019

Despite a big dip on the Briggate Black-bellied Dipper I salvaged a few bits out of a few hours in the field. A fly-over Grey Wagtail was all I managed at Briggate so after a chat with Chris B I headed off to Barton Broad. Here I quickly found the female Long-tailed Duck and 2 female Scaup looking right from the viewing platform. 28 Goldeneye there was also a good count while a Kingfisher and Water Rail were both heard but remained unseen. The delightfully named Dog Sick Slime Mould was all over a tree trunk on the walk back along the boardwalk.

With the light pretty bad I ploughed on to Ludham airfield where 57 wild swans were easily found consisting of roughly 50/50 Whooper Swans and Bewicks Swans.

On the way home a single Waxwing flew over the A140 near Swainsthorpe and the 5 Waxwings were still present in Long Stratton. c200 Fieldfares were in a meadow at Colegate End when almost home.

Scaup x2

Long-tailed Duck & friends

Goldeneye (mostly)

Dog Sick Slime Mould

 Whooper & Bewicks Swans

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